
Chicago, IL / Market-Rate Residential

58 Stories / 928,000 SF / 504 units

Role: Project Designer / Completed 2014

with Handel Architects

Incorporating the 28-story concrete shell of a previously unfinished hotel, OneEleven transformed an eyesore into a luxury residential building befitting one of Chicago’s most prominent sections of waterfront. A recessed ribbon interlocks the old and new sections of the tower, reminding of the adjacent Chicago River.

Our partner, Chris Emens, worked on multiple aspects of the project, from developing the standard unit plans, to designing the amenity level and coordinating the curtain wall module. He also designed the 40-foot tall decorative metal filigree screens adorning the ground floor residential entry facade, and worked closely with the fabricator to see the design vision realized.

Courtesy of Handel Architects

Photography: Steve Hall - Hedrich Blessing; Kevin Dickert, Lester Ali, Scott Frances - OTTO